
LinkedIn Launching Business Accounts For Agencies

One issue SEER has battled with as a “third-party” for managing account in LinkedIn is how to set up the account. Do we use a general dummy account (I advised against this in my previous blog post that included LinkedIn advertising tips)? Do we create an account under the name of a non-existent employee at the client company? Do we ask the client for their personal LinkedIn log in?

For the majority of SEER's LinkedIn accounts we place the ads using the account of someone (a real person) that works at the client company. We had not experienced any issues doing this until recently when I tried to contact the Customer Support about an ad delivery issue and was denied.  Apparently as a third-party we are not allowed to discuss the account with the support team (although I somehow have gotten around that multiple times previously).

After feeling sad and a little angry about my rejection, I heard some wonderful news. Sometime in July 2011 LinkedIn will be launching Business Accounts designed specifically for agencies and third parties. This feature is perfect as we continue to propose LinkedIn Ads as an option for clients. The Business Accounts will eliminate the need to share personal logins and give agency account managers the ability to contact support directly.

Here are the few details that have been shared on this new feature:

  • Create a business account for a client and invite multiple users to access and manage the account
  • You will be able to duplicate the campaigns you are currently running into the new Business Account, but you will not be able to carry over any performance data.

Stay tuned…



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