
January 2020 Core Algorithm Update

The First Google Algorithm Update in 2020

We knew it was coming. It was only a matter of time before Google launched its first algorithm update for 2020. Although there were rumors of a ranking update on January 7th, on January 13th, Google Search Liaison reported an upcoming release of a broad core algorithm update: the January 2020 Core Update.

The update went live as of 12 pm EST.

What Can You Expect From This Update?

The questions on everyone’s mind? What will this update entail and how will it affect your site?

As we’ve seen in previous updates, Google’s guidance on what to expect includes the typical webmaster’s guide for core updates, which includes the following:

“Several times a year, we make significant, broad changes to our search algorithms and systems. We refer to these as “core updates.” They’re designed to ensure that overall, we’re delivering on our mission to present relevant and authoritative content to searchers. These core updates may also affect Google Discover.

We confirm broad core updates because they typically produce some widely notable effects. Some sites may note drops or gains during them. We know those with sites that experience drops will be looking for a fix, and we want to ensure they don’t try to fix the wrong things. Moreover, there might not be anything to fix at all.”

Check Back for Data-Backed Findings and Recommendations

Generally, it can take up to two weeks for an algorithm update to roll out and to measure impact and results. We will be monitoring this here at Seer and looking at our own data as well as industry-specific data for early findings and recommendations for how to respond.

Check back on the Seer blog for our data-backed recommendations in the coming weeks.

In the meantime, you can read through the impact of Google’s close variant update on conversions back in November 2019 here.

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