
How to Go Beyond Marketing for Clients: The Value of a Thriving Brand Ecosystem | Flavilla Fongang

In this presentation, How to Go Beyond Marketing for Clients: The Value of a Thriving Brand EcosystemFlavilla Fongag centers on creating the most engagement with a brand by creating ways to differentiate it’s identity while simultaneously driving engagement, creating conversions, and cultivating customer loyalty. 

Go Beyond Marketing to Create Brand Loyalty

To create brand loyalty one must stand out from the competition by exceeding the expectations of their target audience, use a unique voice that speaks to them clearly, and always present fresh innovation. 

Flavilla walks us through ways to go beyond marketing to curate your brand’s mission.  

The objective is as follows: Create a following of faithful individuals who buy from you frequently, Use Beyond Marketing activities to create the most engagement, Create a Brand Ecosystem that increases your client life time value (LTV). 

She recommends following the D-A-C System

  • Distinguish: Brand Strategy
  • Attract: Brand Identity 
  • Convert: Marketing, Digital & Sales 

Flavilla challenged us to think about the following photo: 

What’s the correlation between the two? Fitting into a group.

  • What services can you get? Wash, treatments, cuts, styling.  
  • What outcomes do you customers expect? Come out with a great hairstyle. 
  • What is the common customer journey? Brand awareness. Booking or walk in, coming to the salon, getting the hair done. 
  • What are the issues her customers may be dealing with? Lack of time, budget, preferred hair stylists not always available, no follow up assistance.
  • How can she deliver her service or product differently? Booking app, pampering experience, champagne, manicure, etc. 
  • What can she do to resolve customer issues? Mobile hairstyling, home tutorials, service reminder. 
  • What experience may she want to create in the mind of her customers? A Hollywood experience at the salon and at home. 
  • How can she create this experience? Hire best hairstylists, celebrity tutorials, luxury design and pampering. 
  • What benefits do her customers expect from her? Leave with a great hairstyle. 
    • Is this enough to keep them buying from her? 
  • What are the ultimate goals of her clients? Be respected, be attractive, fit in a group or part of society. 
    • We all want to belong to something. ← this is why social media is so powerful

Creating a Thriving Brand Ecosystem

Now that Flavilla has laid out an example on how to exceed your customers expectations, what can be done from a marketing standpoint?

Stage 1

Educate: Provide facts and value by articulating what makes you unique. 

  • Ex. Creative Discovery, Launch

Stage 2

Care: Define success metrics & deliver beyond 

  • Ex. Customer service excellency, Scale

Stage 3

Advocacy & Community: Involve people, success stories, reward & recognition

  • Ex. Partnership & innovation, Expanship


“Innovation must be part of your company culture to keep your customers engaged”.

If you can’t bring innovation within your business, partner with others to bring innovation externally.

Examples of Advocacy & Community

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