
Embracing Uncertainty and Testing, Even as a Data-Driven Marketer

The Power of Not Knowing: Why Testing Beats Waiting for Perfect Data

As a data-driven marketer, it’s natural to want all the answers before making decisions. After all, data is what helps us reduce risk, guide strategies, and prove ROI. But the truth is, in marketing, you rarely—if ever—have 100% certainty. And that's okay.

If you wait for perfect data, you miss the opportunity to learn by doing. The real value lies in testing, trying different approaches, and letting the data guide you after the fact. Let’s explore why letting go of the need for certainty can actually lead to better outcomes.

Testing Fuels Learning

When you're focused on data, it’s easy to feel paralyzed by the need to have everything mapped out before making a move. But testing—whether it’s a new ad copy, a landing page design, or a targeting strategy—allows you to make informed decisions faster. The truth is, you don’t need to know the outcome before you test; you just need to test in a structured way and let the data speak.

Example: Instead of trying to predict which audience will respond best, run A/B tests with different audience segments and see what resonates most. Over time, patterns will emerge, and the data will give you clarity.

Embracing Failure as Data

Not every test will be a success, but every test will give you data. A failure is not the end—it’s just another form of feedback. This mindset shift can help you embrace testing as a way to continually improve rather than seek out perfection from the start.

Example: If a new campaign underperforms, dig into the data to see where things went wrong. Maybe the ad copy didn’t resonate, or the targeting missed the mark. Either way, the insights gained will inform your next move.

[TIP] Create your own “innovation story” from your tests. Here at Seer, we include our failures in our innovation stories, because we know they’re still learning opportunities.

Iterate Based on Your Learnings

In marketing, your first test is rarely your best test. The magic happens when you start iterating based on what you’ve learned. Small changes—like tweaking ad creatives, adjusting bids, or refining audience segments—can make a big difference over time.

Example: Let’s say an initial test shows that a particular CTA performs better with one audience, but not another. You can use this insight to refine your messaging for each segment, leading to higher engagement overall.

[TIP] Remember that just because a test fails for one set of circumstances, doesn’t mean it will fail for all circumstances. Make sure to understand the data behind your test results so you can pinpoint the why and then apply those learnings to future tests.

Why Certainty Isn’t Always Necessary

If you're waiting for the data to be crystal clear, you might miss out on opportunities. Certainty isn’t always possible, especially when the market is constantly changing. The key is to start small, test hypotheses, and gather data as you go.

Example: Launching a new product feature? Instead of waiting for months of research and market analysis, try a limited rollout. Test how users engage, collect feedback, and adjust your strategy based on real-world data.



What If You Don't Have the Budget for Testing?

A common concern is that testing feels like a luxury—especially when your budget is tight. You might feel that every dollar needs to be spent wisely, and there’s no room for mistakes. But the reality is that not testing could cost you more in the long run.

Testing doesn’t have to mean blowing through your budget. In fact, you can structure your tests to be small, cost-effective experiments. Instead of running a large-scale campaign, try micro-tests on smaller audience segments, or test just one element (like ad copy or imagery) before investing heavily in a larger rollout.

Testing Is Even More Important with a Tight Budget

When you don’t have a lot of money to spend, it’s easy to feel like everything must be based on existing data to minimize risk. But this mindset can actually limit your potential for growth. The beauty of testing is that it allows you to optimize your spend based on real-world feedback, rather than relying on assumptions. Even a small-scale failure provides insights that can prevent bigger, more costly mistakes down the road.

Example: Rather than betting everything on one marketing channel or strategy, you can test a few different approaches on a smaller scale. You might discover that a less expensive channel performs just as well—if not better—than the one you were planning to invest in. Testing allows you to get more value out of every dollar you spend.

Action Trumps Certainty

As a data-driven marketer, it’s hard to let go of the desire to know everything upfront. But testing gives you the freedom to act without waiting for perfect data. It allows you to pivot quickly, learn from your results, and make smarter decisions over time. Embrace the unknown, test with intention, and let the data guide you after.

If you’re looking for different ways to test your marketing strategy, Seer knows a thing or two about that. Let’s talk!




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Heather Smith
Heather Smith
Sr. Manager, Paid Media